Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Crunch Time

There are only a few days before the AFGL Qualifier in Meridian, Idaho, and I'm already losing sleep with positive nervousness and excitement.

It feels great.

The tournament is on Friday and I'm hoping to be able to practice or play everyday leading up to it. Whether that means hitting the course or simply kicking the ball around at a park, it's time to really dial in my technique for optimum consistency and confidence.

That's been my biggest issue. I can start out a round hitting long and straight but then end up in the trees or in the water a few holes later. Once I develop that consistency, I can be dangerous.

I can practice as much as I want, but the feeling of being there can't be fully simulated.

Playing alongside my brother, Gavin (more on him later), I had a small taste of that feeling last weekend in the season opener at Riverside Golf Course in Riverdale. Sure, there were less than 20 footgolfers participating for just a small cash payout, but the feeling of competition was there. I was nervous and felt the pressure to perform well.

I wanted to win.

I started out strong shooting -3 through four holes. I put myself in a great position to record a tough score to beat.

Then came the weather.

Light rain at first, then pounding hail followed by torrential downpour. Wearing only my black Manchester United jersey and black gym shorts with paint stains, I was chilled to the bone.

I let the cold affect my focus and my game suffered as a result. Clearly, I need to work on my mental toughness.

The tournament was rained out, and nobody finished. Gavin and I were both sitting at -1 through 11 holes before we were taken back to the clubhouse.

I'm happy with how I started, but not with how I responded to the cold. Fortunately, it appears that I won't be dealing with the rain or cold - just the opposite.

Right now, the prognosis for Meridian on Friday shows no rain, but a high of 91 degrees. I've yet to play this year in real heat, but I'm not worried about it.

Bottom line, there's plenty to improve upon, but I couldn't be more excited for Friday.

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